my objets

collected objets

Welcome to my website! This is a creative space in progress where I intend to post my writing, art, and thoughts to share with the world. I'm currently working on organizing and refining the various sub-pages I have planned, but feel free to poke around.

Cleaning time! It doesn't have to be spring to pull everything out and give it a good old dusting. But when you're shuffling things around online poking just one little element of your website can make the whole thing tumble over like a Jenga tower. Then you get the fun of building it back up again!


Stamps, buttons, and banners are an essential part of classic web design. I love how they fill up a page with visual noise that is somehow communicative, decorative, and ridiculously over-the-top at the same time. The more beeping and buzzing I collect, the happier I am.