
A. Exit 42- Huntington. Didn't we just pass that? B. What? (As though stirred from sleep) A. Sayville...Brookhaven...Huntington...we just passed. Are we going the right direction? Check your phone.
B. Yeah, looks good to me.
A. Huh.


B. So...
A. So..? Huh?
B. Are we gonna talk about last night?
A. What's there to talk about?
B. I don't know, did you... (Shakes head) Like, what is this?
A. What is what?
B. You know, a thing?
A. A thing as in... Oh! Oh! (Leans forward)
B. (Shrinks) I'm sorry, did I-
A. Look! This is really fucked up!
B. Yeah, I-
A. No, look, Huntington again!